Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
When you wake up in the morning and have breakfast alone,Ask your sadness if she is mine.spell my name with a fingertip The leftover bread on the tableLight the cigarette, coffee, and think about my sadness.When I wake up in the morning and had my coffee on the street,Ask my sadness if she is his,Friends ask me how I am, if we haven't seen,Play with me and tell me that I am,She looks like she hasn't slept.I don't care about her and she doesn't care, and we're not talking.If she does not seek, also not looking for,And we get no loveWhen I wake up in the morning and had my coffee on the street,Ask my sadness if she is his,Friends ask me how I am, if we haven't seen,Play with me and tell me that I am,She looks like she hasn't slept.I don't care about her and she doesn't careand we shall not speak,If she does not seek, also not looking for,And we get no love.
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