Quando acordar de manhã e tomar seu café sozinha,Pergunte pra sua tris tłumaczenie - Quando acordar de manhã e tomar seu café sozinha,Pergunte pra sua tris angielski jak to powiedzieć

Quando acordar de manhã e tomar seu

Quando acordar de manhã e tomar seu café sozinha,
Pergunte pra sua tristeza se ela também é minha.
escreve meu nome com a ponta do dedo
Nas sobras de pão sobre a mesa
Acende o cigarro, dispensa o café, e pensa na minha tristeza.

Quando eu acordar de manhã e tomar meu café na rua,
Pergunto pra minha tristeza se ela também é sua,
Amigos perguntam como eu estou, se agente ainda não se viu,
Brincam comigo e me dizem que estou,
Com cara de quem não dormiu.

Não ligo pra ela e ela não liga,
e a gente fica sem falar.
Se ela não procura, também não procuro,
E a gente fica sem se amar

Quando eu acordar de manhã e tomar meu café na rua,
Pergunto pra minha tristeza se ela também é sua,
Amigos perguntam como eu estou, se agente ainda não se viu,
Brincam comigo e me dizem que estou,
Com cara de quem não dormiu.

Não ligo pra ela e ela não liga
e a gente fica sem falar,
Se ela não procura, também não procuro,
E a gente fica sem se amar.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
When you wake up in the morning and have breakfast alone,Ask your sadness if she is mine.spell my name with a fingertip The leftover bread on the tableLight the cigarette, coffee, and think about my sadness.When I wake up in the morning and had my coffee on the street,Ask my sadness if she is his,Friends ask me how I am, if we haven't seen,Play with me and tell me that I am,She looks like she hasn't slept.I don't care about her and she doesn't care, and we're not talking.If she does not seek, also not looking for,And we get no loveWhen I wake up in the morning and had my coffee on the street,Ask my sadness if she is his,Friends ask me how I am, if we haven't seen,Play with me and tell me that I am,She looks like she hasn't slept.I don't care about her and she doesn't careand we shall not speak,If she does not seek, also not looking for,And we get no love.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 2:[Kopiuj]
When you wake up in the morning and take your own coffee,
ask for your sorrow if it is also mine.
Write my name with a fingertip
In the leftovers of bread on the table
Lights cigarettes, dispensing the coffee, and think of my sorrow. When I wake up in the morning and have my coffee on the street, ask for my sorrow if it is also your, friends ask how I am, if agent has not yet seen, they play with me and tell me that I am, with guy who did not sleep. Do not I turn to her and she does not care, and we is not talking. If it does not seek, nor seek, and we stay without love When I wake up in the morning and have my coffee on the street, ask for my sadness she also your, friends ask how I am, if agent has not yet seen, I play with me and tell me that I am, with guy who did not sleep. I do not care for her and she does not care and we is not talking, if it does not seek also I do not seek, and we stay without love.

Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
Wyniki (angielski) 3:[Kopiuj]
When I wake up in the morning and take your coffee alone.Ask your sorrow if she is also my.Write my name on the tip of the fingerIn the scraps of bread on the tableHe lights the cigarette, dispenses the coffee and think about my sadness.When I wake up in the morning and drinking my coffee in the street.I ask for my sadness if she is also their.Friends ask how I am, if agent not yet seen.Play with me and tell me that I am.Like you didn "t sleep.I don "t care for her and she doesn" t care,And the people will be without talking.If she is not looking for, also not looking for.And we get no loveWhen I wake up in the morning and drinking my coffee in the street.I ask for my sadness if she is also their.Friends ask how I am, if agent not yet seen.Play with me and tell me that I am.Like you didn "t sleep.I don "t care for her and she didn" t callAnd we will not talk,If she is not looking for, also not looking for.And the people will be without love.
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